Stand out and attract the best talent

As a creative recruitment agency in London we come across various companies who try different approaches when it comes to attracting the best talent. Some of our clients have already mastered the way of attracting potential talent; whilst others have only just begun to understand what branding in recruitment process really means. As active observers, who deal not only with clients but also candidates themselves, we thought it would be good to share our insights on how to stand out and promote your company in the best way when looking to hire talent.

The Recruitment process

We understand that each company has their own recruitment process and there are a lot of unique steps to each and every one. It varies from agency to agency, depending on the size of the company, the department the recruitment is needed for, etc. As much as we, a creative recruitment agency who are here to help you find best talent, need to understand them – so do your potential candidates. Why not consider creating an online pdf that can be sent to your strongest applicants before their first interview? It is the easiest way of explaining your exclusive recruitment process – how many interviews do you usually offer to candidates, who would they be meeting at each stage, what the dress code for the company is etc. etc.… These are vital bits of information that most of the time are not so obvious to your favourite candidates and such knowledge can help them prepare for the first interview and beyond…

Speed of the interview

As simple as it may sound, offering an interview to your favourite talent as soon as it is possible is the best way of showing your interest, but also presenting your company in a good light. It highlights to the candidate that your company are serious about recruitment and even if the talent doesn’t end up getting the position, they will still remember the smoothness of the process. Being flexible with times for the interview also shows that your agency understands the talent’s personal and current work life situation. Handling the interviewing stage can tell a lot about culture in your company too – if everything is put together quickly and without any obstacles, it showcases that your agency is slick and on point.

Career journey explained

After the first round(s) of recruitment, candidates will have developed feelings and thoughts about your company and its culture. They will have met you, seen the office, maybe been introduced to few team members. What is next though? And what elements can make the process stronger? Well, we can certainly suggest an explanation of the potential career journey someone might take through your company. When hiring permanent talent, both sides are looking for a long-term commitment. A potential candidate would like to see how they might fit into the company and where they can see themselves in few years’ time. Again, we suggest creating an online brochure, short PDF or any kind of informational leaflet that you can share with potential employee. It is a perfect way of explaining the career paths possible in your company, the detailed workflow of a position and actions that would need to be taken in the future to achieve a promotion. This way, your candidate will able to see a realistic vision of their future in your agency.

Social Media Presence

Don’t think we are saying anything new here, but we believe it’s still worth mentioning – your online presence is crucial in the current marketplace. Production, Post-Production and VFX are the industries heavily focussed on media and digital world. The best talent will be looking not only at your website, but more likely at your LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook profiles to assess the projects you are working on, but also to see the company’s culture. Candidates want to know if the team is close-knit and sociable, if the company organises interesting team away-days or if you celebrate each other’s birthdays in the office. All those things can say a lot of healthy working balance, and after all – who doesn’t want to work with a fun bunch of people who get along together? Social Media is the most powerful tool to sell your company to a potential employee – don’t waste it!

There is a lot of ways you can improve the presentation of your company to a potential candidate. We believe that the ones we mentioned in this article are the easiest ones to prepare, but at the same time can add a lot of value to your recruiting process. Attracting the best talent means explaining the available position in the most detailed way, presenting the possible career paths and showing the culture of the company. If you present those three things in a unique and interesting way, the best talent in the industry will certainly be interested in exploring more about your agency.

If you have any other tips on how to attract best talent in the creative industry, please get in touch.

Tripod Brixton,
Lambeth Town Hall,
1 Brixton Hill, London,

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8am – 7pm
Phone: 020 7580 7333